
Payment of fees must accompany all registration forms. Your registration WILL NOT be confirmed until payment is received.

The conference organizer will not accept any bank charges (Local Bank charges and the foreign/intermediate Bank Charges) associated with the transfer of money. Please ask your bank Local Bank charges and the foreign/intermediate Bank Charges to you Bank specifically and add that amount while transfer.

ONE Registration Fee Includes the following for the Registered author:

  • Welcome reception
  • Printed Name Card
  • Name card holder
  • Folder
  • Participation in the technical program
  • Printed Participation Certificate 
  • Printed Proceedings and CD of Proceedings
  • Printed Program Booklet
  • Coffee breaks on conference presentation day
  • Lunch on conference presentation day

(Please note that we are NOT providing any Travel expenses, VISA expenses, Accomodation Charges etc.)

POSTER Printing Facility (Optional)

We can print the Colored POSTER for you of A1 Size sheet of light Material with additional charges of USD 50 each poster of A1 Size and that will be provided at the time of the conference. In that case, you need to email the matter of the POSTER to the conference secretary.  

Please Note that:

Author: Make a presentation on the conference and the paper will be published on the proceedings/journals. The author can make the ORAL or POSTER presentation of the paper/abstract. 

Presenter: Make a presentation on the conference without paper publishing.

Listener: Participating in the conference only without neither presentation nor paper publication.

*Paper Page Limit: Regular Papers: 6 pages, including all figures, tables, and references. Extra pages can be purchased.
**One regular registration with one or more additional papers has only one proceeding book.

Payment Method

1. Online Payment 
2. Pay by Bank Transfer

* The link for Credit Card payment and the Bank Information can be found in the registration form that will be provided through email at the time of acceptance/invitation notification.

Registration Instruction for Publication of FULL Paper/Abstract

 1. If you want to submit a Paper/abstract,you are welcomed to submit your full paper/abstract to directly. If you like to print/publish the full paper then it is recommended that you should send the FULL Paper. Otherwise, if you like to publish ONLY the abstrct then send the abstract through email and mention in that email that you like to Print ONLY abstract in the printing proceedings. The abstact will NOT be made online as ONLY the full papers will be made online after the conference. If still, you do not want to make the FULL paper online that is also possible. Just tell using email  to 

 2. Conference Committee will send out the notification after the review process.

 3. Authors whose paper are accepted should follow all the steps listed in the email notification and forms attached with that email.

 4. Email all the required files to us at 

 5. Your registration will be confirmed if all the files are perfect.

Registration Instruction for Listener

1. If you like to attend our conference as LISTENER then please email us at email id:  and write the conference name & dates in that email.

2. The conference staff will email you the Registration Form at your email id.

3. Finish the payment of Registration fee by Credit Card or Bank Transfer

4. Send your filled registration form (.doc format) to us at (Before deadline).

5. Your registration will be confirmed when the registration fee is received.