Conference Program

Dec. 10-12, 2019 Singapore 

          Arrival & Registration on Dec. 10, 2019

The first day is all about registration 3 pm -5 pm, participants are supposed to sign in at the conference venue and collect all the conference material at the registration counter on this day.


Opening Remarks & Keynote Speech on Dec. 11, 2019

The conference chair will be hosting a opening ceremony in the morning, and all the participants are supposed to be there, then the keynote speakers will deliver their spectacular speeches and share their cutting-edge research fruits with the participants. The duration of this session is 9:00 AM to 10:05 AM


Photo Session & Coffee Break

During the intermission of Opening Remarks & Keynote Speech, there will be a photo session of 15 minutes for all the participants to take a group photo. 


Author Presentation in Parallel Sessions on Dec. 11, 2019

After the photo session the presentation session starts. Participants' presentations are divided into different sessions based on the conference topics, participants should find the right session room and be there at least 3 minutes earlier to copy his ppt/pdf presentation into the laptop and get ready. Then the session chair will start the session on time, and give a grade to each presentation, which should be within 15 minutes, including Q and A


Poster Session on Dec. 11, 2019

The poster is parallel with the first session. Just prepare and print the poster in Portrait style of size A1 on light weight paper. Poster sessions will run in parallel with the plenary sessions and possibly during break times. 



After the first session complete there will be lunch break for all delegates. 

ORAL Presentations  in Parallel  Sessions on Dec. 11, 2019

Oral presentation contd...


Coffee Break

There will be a coffee break at 3:00 PM to 3:30 PM for all delegates.

Closing Remarks on Dec. 11, 2019

The conference chair and the organizer will be hosting closing remarks. The best papers will be announced, and the certificates will be awarded at the end of each session.


Paid City Tour on Dec. 12, 2019

with USD 70 per person




Instructions for Oral presentation

Devices Provided by the Conference Organizer:
Laptops (with MS-OFFICE & Adobe Reader)
Projectors & Screen
Materials Provided by the Presenter:
PowerPoint or PDF Files
Duration of Each Presentation (Tentatively): Regular Oral Session: 
About 12-15 minutes of Presentation & 2 minutes of Q and A.